Board of Directors

2024 CentralStar Board of Directors 4x6 FINAL

L to R Front Row: Jeff Horning, Paul Trierweiler, Lee Jensen, Patrick Crave. Standing: Larry Voigts, Andy Paulus, Ken Carnahan, Rick Adams, Steve Maier, Tim Servais, Andy Wolf, Dan Mielke, Mark Ziel, Lyle Ott.

CentralStar Elected Positions

The board of directors is comprised of 13 member-stockowners, each representing a specific geographic area of the CentralStar’s traditional service area. Elections are conducted for approximately one-third of the board each year with winning candidates serving a three-year-term. Only common stockowners that reside in the districts with elections will receive information regarding director elections. If you are interested in running for one of the elected positions submit an application by November 1st.

Director District Term Expires
Larry Voigts 1 2027
Rick Adams 2 2028
Tim Servais 3 2026
Patrick Crave 4 2027
Andy Paulus 5 2028
Lee Jensen 6 2026
Dan Mielke 7 2027
Andy Wolf 8 2028
Lyle Ott 9 2026
Paul Trierweiler 10 2027
Mark Ziel 11 2028
Jeff Horning 12 2026
Ken Carnahan 13 2026
New District Map

Board of Directors Application

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Please enter a number from 1 to 13.
Home Address:*
Farm Address
(If different than Home Address.)