DHI Goat Services
Good Data.
Good Decisions.
CentralStar offers a variety of services for dairy goat producers including:
• Certification training to be a DHIA Test Supervisor
• Milk scale and meter calibration
• Routine testing programs
• Verification testing for DHIA
• Pregnancy, Mastitis and Johne’s disease testing

Scale & Meter Calibration

Routine Testing

Verification Testing

Diagnostic Testing
Certification Training Program
CentralStar offers a self-paced training program to become a certified Dairy Herd Improvement Association Test Supervisor for the American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA) and American Goat Society (AGS). Certified Test Supervisors are qualified for Test Type 20 for awards programs.
Certification requires demonstrated knowledge in several areas.
• Barn and parlor techniques
• Data entry
• Code of ethics and uniform data collection procedures
• Standard operating procedures for dairy goat testing
Contact us to learn more and begin the process of becoming a certified Test Supervisor.
Testing Programs
Processed Tests
Official, supervised – DHI Specialist collects milk weights and samples from one milking and submits samples to lab for processing.
Owner-sampler – Producer must be a certified Test Supervisor according to AGS and ADGA standards. Samples are processed at a CentralStar lab. Supplies are obtained from a DHI Specialist or a CentralStar lab.
Non-Processed Test
Records are not processed through DRMS. The producer collects milk samples and submits them direct to a CentralStar lab for analysis. Lab provides a CSV file containing animal ID, milk weight, components, and SCC data.
Verification Test
An official test of the accuracy of regular test-day-data is required in certain cases or test recording plans on herds and does. A verification test can be performed as the test in the normal DHIA cycle or as an extra DHIA test during the month.
Pregnancy, Mastitis, and Johne’s Testing
Pregnancy testing can be conducted on fresh, frozen or preserved milk samples, or blood samples. Results are comparable to traditional methods at 98% accuracy (98.8% Sensitivity, 97.4% specificity). Results are available within 24 hours of receipt of sample.
Mastitis testing can be performed on fresh, frozen, or preserved milk samples.
Johne’s disease testing can be conducted on fresh, frozen or preserved milk samples, blood or feces.

Management Software & Reports
A variety of printed and electronic management reports are available, as well as DART dairy management software. Learn more about dairy herd management reports.
When you are ready to begin DHI testing or want to become a certified Test Supervisor, contact CentralStar.