SOP™ Lagoon

SKU: A0772 Categories: ,


Product Details

SOP Lagoon is the only natural manure product proven to reduce operational dairy and beef expenses while simultaneously suppressing the release of ammonia, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and odors. Developed with advanced SOP Inside technology, SOP Lagoon metabolizes nutrients found in animal waste by activating bio-valorization. This process fluidifies waste solids, reducing the need for agitation and bolstering its fertilization properties. This product is used in combination with SOP Lagoon Activator.

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Immediate Operational Benefits and Savings:

  • Reduces the need for synthetic fertilizers.
  • Encourages improved soil health and plant nutrient uptake.
  • Minimizes the need for costly pest management solutions.
  • Lessens the frequency of liquid manure agitation and related fuel and equipment expenses by fluidifying lagoon waste, preventing crust formation and allowing for easier field application.

Environmental Protection and Social Responsibility:

  • Dramatically decreases the production of GHG and ammonia emissions.
  • Virtually eliminates animal waste odors.

Disclaimer: Carbon Credits Rights Reservation: Resonant Technology™ Group reserves all rights, title and interest in carbon credits, insets and other related economic benefits or interests generated via use of SOP™ Inside products. SOP Lagoon is distributed by Select Sires Inc. through the wholly-owned sustainability company, Low Carbon Technologies, LLC. Buyer assumes all responsibility for use, storage and handling of SOP Lagoon.  Low Carbon Technologies, LLC makes no claims or warranties, expressed or implied. ™The Low Carbon Technologies logo is a trademark of Low Carbon Technologies, LLC, Plain City, OH. Resonant Technology is a trademark of SOP GROUP S.r.l. SOP is a trademark of SOP S.r.l. Società Benefit.

Additional information

Weight 4.5 lbs
Dimensions 5.5 × 7.3 × 4.3 in