FerAppease®, A revolutionary product for preventing cattle stress response

Dairy and beef producers can help prevent cattle stress response and its effects on their animals by using FerAppease®. Reducing cattle stress can help reduce morbidity and mortality, prevent decreases in productivity, improve reproductive performance, improve cattle handling, and more.
The active ingredient of FerAppease is a synthetic analogue of the Maternal Bovine Appeasing Substance (MBAS). MBAS is naturally secreted by a cow’s skin to comfort her calf while nursing, however, its effects are experienced by both calves and adult cattle. FerAppease is a research proven, affordable, safe, and easy-to-use application that helps to decrease treated animals’ threat perception, which also helps to decrease stress response.
FerAppease may be used every time animals are exposed to management and physiological stressors where the suppression of threat perception is desirable.
Following are some examples of dairy cattle applications:
- Calving two-year-olds: promotes better milk letdown, fewer kick-offs, faster loading into the parlor or stall, and reduced adrenaline for calmer handling
- Weaning/transition to group housing: promotes lower mortality and morbidity, lower treatment costs, and improved weight gain
- Dehorning
- Hoof trimming
- Dry off
- Competing in the show ring
Following are some examples of beef cattle applications:
- Cow-calf operations
- Weaning
- Dehorning
- Castration
- Branding
- Vaccination
- Stockers/backgrounders & feedlots
FerAppease is used topically, and the active ingredient, MBAS, is assimilated by the vomeronasal gland located in the nose of the treated animal. One application can provide benefits for up to 14 days.
CentralStar Cooperative and its sister cooperatives in the Select Sires federation are the exclusive distributors of FerAppease in the artificial insemination industry. Order online or talk with your CentralStar team.