Select BioCycle Plus™

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Product Details

Key Ingredients: Offers the beneficial ingredients of both DTX and BioCycle in one convenient, less costly package.

Focus: Use when metabolic diseases and toxin challenges are present.

Feeding Rate: Feed 1/2 ounce (14 grams)/head/day. Mix into TMR or protein and mineral mix. Concentrate fed at a rate of 10 grams/head/day and is intended for feed mill use.

The most often chosen product, offering the benefits of both DTX and BioCycle in one convenient, less costly package. Producers feeding BioCycle Plus report reduced SCC, improved reproductive performance, increased digestive capacity and improved general health. More shelf-life stable than other products. Proprietary technology allows activation once consumed. Use when metabolic diseases and toxin challenges are present.

Additional information

Weight 50 lbs
Dimensions N/A

Select BioCycle Plus 50 lb Box, Select BioCycle Plus Concentrate, Select BioCycle Plus Concentrate Non-GMO